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Gold Meat Belgium

Addresse Industrieweg 6
3550 Heusden-Zolder
Tél. 013521704
Fax +3213521815
E-mail info@goldmeat.be
Site web www.goldmeat.be
Numéro(s) d’agrément F 241 B241


  • Atelier de découpe
  • Transformation de la viande


  • export d'abats
  • export autres

Forme de commercialisation

  • Plats préparés
  • Emballages consommateurs
  • Surgelé
  • Abats


  • import viande porcine

Types de produits

  • Volaille
  • Viande porcine

Details de société

Year constructed
2005/2006 : extention packaging area + partly renovation
2015 : extention technical area and atelier + new waste water treatment (421m²)

Total land Area
21.000 m²
Total built-in area
4849 m²
Types of products manufactured
processed meat(porkhead & aspic-products)cutting, packaging and storage (at max. -18°C) of edible slaughter products (ears)
List of countries that have approved the establishment to export
Germany,Austria,France,Netherlands,Russian Federation (Finished meat products)
Description of the area where the establishment is located
The company is localized in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium. The company is located in an industrial area.
Staff information (number of employees, qualifications, etc.)
30 in total (1 delegated director, 1 personnel manager, 1 sales manager, 2 quality manager, 1 technical operator, 1 responsible buying/shipement, 1 production manager, 20 production operators, 3 cleaning operators
Number of shifts
Slaughter capacity (tones) per shift
not applicable
Number of working days per week
Total annual slaughter capacity (tons)
not applicable
Boning/cutting production capacity (tons)
10 tons / day
Edible offal handling capacity (tons)
1 tons / day
Refrigerators (capacity, number, type)
cold storage : 30 tons (Freon compressors – air blast)
deep freezer : 60 tons (Freon compressors – air blast)

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